Below you will find excerpts from my document "Reverse Engineering of JFK Assassination Plan Featuring The Killer Queen" explaining all relevant details of JFK assassination plan. The whole document is included in pdf file.
The following pdf hosting sites carry the latest version 5.0 (size 23.4 MB):
The document comes with additional four files. The files are in zip format meaning that you need some of the popular free unzipping programs, probably already available on your computer. Below, I provide direct links to each file. After clicking, select the option Slow Download to get them free.
1. (4.8MB) - includes programming source code, output text files, diagrams, 3 Zapruder frames 313-315 with eight white marks, etc.
2. (6.0 MB) - Zapruder frames used for evaluation and computer simulations.
3. (4.4 MB) - visual aids for books and movies about JFK, referenced in the document.
4. (32.0 MB) - includes B-Patrone doc, Zavada docs, WP docs, explosives, movie scripts, etc.
Note that I created another website with the same content at:
The goal of the second website is to distribute the traffic because this website gets slow sometimes.
The goal of the second website is to distribute the traffic because this website gets slow sometimes.
The version 5.0 is the first version of this
document to include extensive scientific analysis of Jackie's bullet shot to JFK's
head. This analysis is supported by about 5000 lines of C
programming source code that virtually dissects all the bullet traces visible
in Zapruder frames 313 to 314, by using computer simulations. This analysis has
been added for scientists and engineers in order to spur their interest in this
subject. It is about time to shut up all fake scientists like Fetzer running
around with their junk science about JFK assassination and misleading the
American public.
This version also adds extensive chapters for
decoding three major movies A Shot In The Dark (1964), The
Godfather (1972), and the flagship JFK (1991).
These movies secretly encode all major facts about JFK assassination, from the
first to the last minute. Since such chapters require lots of pictures, the
size of this document grew dramatically. Unfortunately, images increase file
size much faster than text.
I am releasing this document
before some chapters are finished. However, the most important chapter with the
results of advanced computer simulations was completed months ago. The
unfinished work refers to less important topics like the chapter decoding The
Godfather. I spent lots of time on decoding the movie JFK.
However, after months of work and almost 400 pages there are still plenty of
signals left in JFK. They had to have an army of cockroaches
burying all the signals into the noises.
Previous versions of this document did not include
scientific analysis of Jackie's bullet shot. As a result, the previous versions
included a few mistakes. This version 5.0 corrects all mistakes. All major
conclusions from the scientific analysis included in this document are
consistently confirmed by all three movies mentioned above. This means the
movies are reliable sources. That is why I decided to include their information
about Clint Hill who was the Second Assassin killing JFK under the triple
overpass. The movies provide specific details about the number of shots Clint
Hill fired, which bullet split open JFK's head and which bullet missed, which
hand he used to hold his revolver, where he kept his holster, etc.
The movies also identify the key conspirators in JFK
assassination. This document devotes a whole chapter for them.
Immediately below is Zapruder frame 312 with some of the results from computer simulations analyzing Jackie's bullet shot to JFK's head
Immediately below there is a diagram with technical specifications of Zapruder frame considered TOP SECRET until now, so you better save it now
Immediately below there are three Zapruder frames 313-315 showing all eight white marks considered TOP SECRET until now, so you better save them now.
Immediately below is a picture used for analysis of Jackie's bullet containing White Phosphorus that made JFK's head burn up to 5000° F
Immediately below is a picture of optical diagram from computer simulations analyzing Jackie's bullet shot to JFK's head
Immediately below is a satellite photo showing maximum ranges of PWM and PBF projectiles from Jackie's bullet shot
Immediately below is a picture of Jackie's bullet path viewed from Elm Street. The point Bx stands for bullet exit on JFK's right ear. Later, the mark X was painted on the road surface. On the 50th Anniversary, Dallas savages plan to have their X Party next to it.
Immediately below is a picture showing approximate design of Jackie' firearm inside her handbag
Immediately below is a picture showing the position of handbag during firing by Jackie
Immediately below is a picture showing 16 frames cropped from the movie JFK illustrating Jackie changing her pink suit after assassinating JFK
Immediately below is a picture cropped from the movie JFK illustrating two JFK assassins Jackie and Clint Hill dancing on the trunk of JFK limo
Immediately below is a picture cropped from the movie JFK illustrating JFK assassin Jackie during Dallas motorcade
Immediately below is a picture showing three of the top conspirators during JFK assassination The movie JFK uses reindeer heads for them.
Immediately below is a picture of Bethesda Hospital where JFK's head was waxed during so called "autopsy"
Immediately below is a picture of a Hollywood cockroach trying to lie to Americans about JFK assassination
Immediately below is a picture showing one of the con artists and disinfo agents in JFK industry covering up JFK assassination.
Immediately below there is a diagram with technical specifications of Zapruder frame considered TOP SECRET until now, so you better save it now
Immediately below there are three Zapruder frames 313-315 showing all eight white marks considered TOP SECRET until now, so you better save them now.
Immediately below is a picture used for analysis of Jackie's bullet containing White Phosphorus that made JFK's head burn up to 5000° F
Immediately below is a picture of optical diagram from computer simulations analyzing Jackie's bullet shot to JFK's head
Immediately below is a satellite photo showing maximum ranges of PWM and PBF projectiles from Jackie's bullet shot
Immediately below is a picture of Jackie's bullet path viewed from Elm Street. The point Bx stands for bullet exit on JFK's right ear. Later, the mark X was painted on the road surface. On the 50th Anniversary, Dallas savages plan to have their X Party next to it.
Immediately below is a picture showing approximate design of Jackie' firearm inside her handbag
Immediately below is a picture showing the position of handbag during firing by Jackie
Immediately below is a picture showing 16 frames cropped from the movie JFK illustrating Jackie changing her pink suit after assassinating JFK
Immediately below is a picture cropped from the movie JFK illustrating two JFK assassins Jackie and Clint Hill dancing on the trunk of JFK limo
Immediately below is a picture cropped from the movie JFK illustrating JFK assassin Jackie during Dallas motorcade
Immediately below is a picture showing three of the top conspirators during JFK assassination The movie JFK uses reindeer heads for them.
Immediately below is a picture of Bethesda Hospital where JFK's head was waxed during so called "autopsy"
Immediately below is a picture of a Hollywood cockroach trying to lie to Americans about JFK assassination
Immediately below is a picture showing one of the con artists and disinfo agents in JFK industry covering up JFK assassination.
Immediately below is a picture cropped from Moorman Photo, explaining a critical alteration made by JFK killers.
Immediately below is the unofficial cover of the latest bestselling book "Killing Kennedy" (2012) by Bill O'Reilly. Compare it to my pdf document. Click the picture to enlarge. Two different sizes.
![]() |
800x1016 |
![]() |
1421x1804 |
Immediately below is the unofficial cover of very thick "authoritative" book "Reclaiming History" (2007) by Vincent Bugliosi who was the prosecutor of Charles Manson. Compare it to my pdf document. Click the picture to enlarge. Two different sizes.
![]() |
800x991 |
![]() |
1292x1600 |
Immediately below is the unofficial poster for the 50th Anniversary conventions planned in Dallas this year. Click the picture to enlarge. Two different sizes.
![]() |
800x520 |
![]() |
1600x1039 |
Quick Q&A session about JFK assassination
Question #1:
killed JFK?
Answer: Jackie (his wife) and
Clint Hill (Secret Service agent).
Question #2:
Are you crazy by answering that Jackie and
Clint Hill killed JFK?
Answer: Unfortunately, all
other answers are impossible. Whatever
remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. It's not only probable
but also certain. The truth shatters your false reality built on unnatural
belief system which is your fundamental weakness.
Question #3:
did Jackie kill JFK?
Answer: Believe it or not,
Jackie was an experienced assassin. She had gained her experience before she
married JFK. People who wanted JFK dead knew about Jackie's secret skills. They
made her kill JFK by threatening her and promising her big rewards later.
Jackie felt that she did not have a choice.
Question #4:
could an assassin like Jackie be so nice and famous?
Answer: The official fantasy about Jackie has been created by the
media, the same media that have created the official fantasy about 9/11. Both
fantasies have nothing to do with the truth. In all her interviews, Jackie
tried very hard to imitate emotions and feelings of a normal person because she
lacked them herself. Jackie could be defined as a successful born psychopath.
Question #5:
gave the orders to kill JFK?
Answer: The orders came from
people who control central banking in the US through their fraudulent Federal
Reserve System. They are the most ruthless people. They protect the biggest
source of power which is the control of money supply. JFK wanted to reduce or
even eliminate their power. LBJ was their puppet. The man who represented them
was John J. McCloy. He was the Boss of JFK assassination and also
its cover-up because later he became a member of Warren Commission.
Question #6:
were the top conspirators?
Answer: The biggest
conspirators came from Pentagon because it has the biggest brute force with the
nukes. The top conspirator was Curtis LeMay, 4-Star General in US Air Force. He
made Edward Lansdale, 2-Star General in US Air Force, prepare and execute JFK
assassination plan. US Secret Service provided the agents to do the dirty work
for them. The top conspirator in Dallas was Henry Wade, Dallas County District
Attorney. He had close contacts with John Connally, Texas Governor, another top
conspirator. Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell made Dallas Police participate in JFK
assassination. Lloyd Bentsen, later US Senator from Texas, acted as the
Paymaster of JFK assassination, by paying off the conspirators with money from
the Federal Reserve System. Earl Warren from US Supreme Court was the top
conspirator on the legal side of JFK assassination. The Kennedys and US
Congress quickly received offers they could not refuse and all participated in
the cover-up of JFK assassination by playing dumb to the public in America and
around the world.
Question #7:
did they want to kill JFK in public?
Answer: They wanted to make
public pictures of JFK's brains blowing out in a spectacular way and to be able
to publicly show the pictures to all politicians they wanted to control.
Question #8:
didn't they use somebody else to kill JFK in public?
Answer: It
is extremely difficult to blow out the brains of US President in public and on
film, and get away with this. No sniper would achieve a spectacular result of
blowing brains out with sufficient reliability. They needed somebody close to
JFK, who would never be suspected by the common people. They were masters of human
psychology. They knew that the bigger the lie the more people would believe the
Question #9:
gun did Jackie use?
Answer: Jackie used two guns. She used a dart gun to
inject a chemical agent into JFK's left thigh in order to incapacitate him
first. Then about 7 seconds later, she used a firearm installed inside her
handbag to shoot a special bullet between JFK's jaw and his neck. Nobody would
suspect Jackie holding her handbag close to her chest.
Question #10:
chemical agent did Jackie use?
Answer: Jackie's dart had a medical needle and
syringe filled with curare-based chemical agent. Curare
is a paralyzing poison
originating from South America. The indigenous people use it to dip blowpipe darts in order to asphyxiate
their preys by making the respiratory muscles unable to contract. Jackie also
gave JFK some illegitimate drugs in the morning. The drugs greatly improved the
responsiveness and effectiveness of curare. That is why JFK
responded so quickly within a few seconds after injection.
Question #11:
special bullet did Jackie use?
Answer: Jackie's bullet was designed after B-Patrone
bullet. The bullet contained about 50mg of White Phosphorus and a booster
explosive like RDX. Inside JFK's head, the booster explosive ignited
White Phosphorus and made it burn up to 5000° F. The bullet broke into
razor-sharp metal fragments rotating at speeds up to 100,000 rpm and tearing
JFK's jugular veins and arteries behind his right ear. The fragments exited
through his right ear.
Question #12:
gun did Clint Hill use?
Answer: Clint
Hill used a revolver chambered for 0.38 Special, with a snub nosed barrel. He
fired two bullets. The first bullet split open JFK's head and blew his brains
out. The second bullet missed JFK.
Question #13:
Where did Clint Hill kill JFK?
Answer: Clint
Hill killed JFK when the limo was in the right lane on Elm Street in the tunnel
under the triple overpass, about 12 seconds after Jackie had shot JFK. Clint
Hill used his left hand to hold the revolver. He had a holster on the right
side of his belt.
Question #14:
did Clint Hill shoot practically dead JFK?
Answer: Jackie's
job was to create a show for Zapruder camera and the public by creating a
fountain of JFK's blood mixed with thick smoke from burning White Phosphorus.
This gave only an appearance of JFK's brains blowing out when in fact Jackie's
bullet did not touch his brains. JFK killers wanted the real thing. That is why
JFK had to be treated with a higher caliber bullet, out of public view. The
brainwashing machines would merge it all into one event by hiding all the
little details. Since the Secret Service assigned Clint Hill to protect Jackie,
both spent a lot of time together. They had a perfect excuse to go together to
Greece one month before JFK assassination in order to rehearse their plan as a
team. That is why both worked together so well during JFK assassination.
Question #15:
didn't anybody see or hear Jackie killing JFK?
Answer: All people sitting in
JFK limo, except JFK, were part of the conspiracy. The bystanders on both sides
could not see Jackie's concealed firearm because their views were blocked by
Jackie and JFK. The volume of Jackie's gunshot was reduced by a sound
suppressor inside her handbag and drowned out by two police motorcycles
accelerating very loudly just seconds before the gunshot. Dallas Police
Department was part of the conspiracy.
Question #16:
do you explain JFK's head bouncing toward Jackie?
Answer: The famous quote "Back,
and to the Left" from JFK movie by Oliver Stone is very
misleading. Before JFK's head bounces back toward Jackie, it bounces forward
away from Jackie. However, it is only for about 40 milliseconds and only one
frame shows it. You can't notice this by watching Zapruder film, you have to
look at individual frames of Zapruder film.
Question #17:
What's the single best evidence of Jackie's
Answer: The single best
evidence is Zapruder frame 313. It shows a gunshot trail originating from
Jackie's right hand, about ten inches below JFK's left ear. As the history
proves, the sheep don't believe their own eyes and just follow their corrupt
leaders. This means that the conspirators did not have to remove the
incriminating gunshot trail in frame 313.
Question #18:
Is there any other evidence of Jackie's
Answer: Yes! There are
truckloads of evidence of Jackie's guilt, and no single shred of evidence of
Oswald's guilt or any sniper manufactured by JFK assassination research
industry controlled by JFK killers.
Question #19:
Who assisted Jackie during her gunshot to
JFK's head?
Answer: Texas Governor John
Connally and his wife Nellie Connally. Secret Service agents Clint Hill,
William Greer, and Roy Kellerman. Motorcycle cops Bobby Hargis and James
Question #20:
What was Jackie doing on the trunk?
Answer: Contrary to the
official story, Jackie was not looking for pieces of JFK's brain or skull on
the trunk. She did not even look at the trunk before jumping on it. Her first
goal was to dispel your suspicions early about any firearms on her by showing
you her front and back. JFK murder plan tried to exploit the weaknesses of
human psychology. Jackie dropped her handbag (with the firearm inside) on the
seat before jumping on the trunk. Her second goal was to invite Clint Hill on
the trunk so that he could split open JFK's head in the tunnel.
Question #21:
What about the other gunshots heard at
Dealey Plaza?
Answer: All the other gunshot
sounds, smokes, flashes, came from firecrackers. JFK murder planners planted
firecracker operators, distracters, camera operators, and false witnesses at
Dealey Plaza.
Question #22:
What about JFK autopsy report?
Answer: It is a waste of time
to study JFK autopsy report because it was too easy for JFK killers to control
the medical staffs behind closed doors. If the Secret Service agents could get
away with cleaning up the crime scene inside the limo with a bucket and a
sponge, in public view, on camera, then imagine what else the Secret Service
agents could get away with behind closed doors. Garbage in, garbage out! There
are enough data collected in public view to reconstruct JFK assassination plan,
so we do not need to rummage through a garbage can.
Question #23:
What about Warren Commission Report?
Answer: It provided hundreds of
pages of evidence to hang the whole Warren Commission for treason, together
with JFK killers and conspirators.
Question #24:
Why didn't I hear about Jackie's guilt
Answer: Because you follow the
book publishing business and the media controlled by Parasitic Ethnic Group
which includes the central bankers who ordered JFK assassination. They feed you
all possible conspiracy theories to make you chase your own tail and waste your
time, like Chief Inspector Clouseau chasing the Pink Panther.
Question #25:
How could so many experts be so wrong?
Answer: JFK killers are part of
a global crime network. Many members of this network masquerade as college
professors, scientists, technical experts, best-selling authors, media figures,
political leaders, etc. They lie about everything. Since they have managed to
hide their JFK secret for so long, imagine their other secrets that you do not
know about.
Question #26:
What about the alternative media?
Answer: All
the talk shows available on the Internet are controlled by CIA or some other
mentally deficient goons controlled by Parasites. Only some websites carry the
information about Jackie, and only in printed format. Even those websites
distort the facts for many different reasons.
Question #27:
How many people know about Jackie's guilt?
Answer: It's estimated that
close to a million people in the US and Europe know about Jackie's guilt. Her
guilt found its way into fiction books, movies, songs, and fashion business, a
long time ago. However, Jackie’s guilt has been disguised with coded messages
that normal audiences missed entirely. The fastest way to learn how many people
know about Jackie's guilt is to re-inter her body from heavily guarded
Arlington National Cemetery to an open cemetery and then check her grave marker
each morning.
Question #28:
Why are JFK assassination investigators so
Answer: Hollywood bosses have been having so much fun watching JFK
assassination investigators chasing JFK killers, that they have decided to
share their fun. They have made us watch the incompetent Chief Inspector
Clouseau chasing the Pink Panther in 10 sequels. However, Chief Inspector
Clouseau and JFK assassination investigators still cannot catch the Pink
Panther leaping right in their faces. Zapruder film shows Jackie in pink suit
leaping like a panther after killing her prey, right in your face.
Question #29:
Why didn't Kennedys do or say anything?
Answer: Both JFK's brothers,
Bobby and Teddy, cooperated with JFK killers by walking next to JFK Assassin
during JFK funeral procession in Washington, DC. Kennedys are politicians and
not heroes. If Kennedys have been so desperate to hide Jackie's letter about
her work for CIA in 1951, or her pink suit worn on JFK assassination day, then
imagine what else Kennedys are hiding about Jackie's past!
Question #30:
What's the fastest way to confirm JFK
Answer: The fastest way is to
open JFK's casket buried at Arlington National Cemetery. There is no JFK's body
inside it.
Question #31:
What's the reason for Eternal Flame
on JFK's gravesite?
Answer: The idea for Eternal Flame inside a cracked ring
of concrete surrounded by broken pieces of concrete came directly from JFK
killers. The flame itself stands for White Phosphorus burning inside JFK's
right ear. The cracked ring stands for JFK's right ear cracked by Jackie's
bullet. The broken pieces of concrete stand for the broken pieces of JFK's
right ear refusing to listen to the secret owners of the Federal Reserve
Question #32:
Is there a similarity between JFK
assassination and 9/11?
Answer: Yes! If people were not exposed to any information about JFK
assassination or 9/11 attack, and they saw only Zapruder film and only a film
of 9/11 towers falling down, then most would suspect Jackie just by looking at
her in Zapruder film, and most would suspect controlled demolitions just be
looking at 9/11 towers falling down. Human psychology is extremely susceptible
to an early barrage of lies.
Question #33:
What are
the lessons from JFK assassination?
Answer: Many people believe the utter nonsense coming from their
corrupt governments, corrupt media, corrupt organized religions, corrupt
authority figures, etc. They become hostile and violent when the overwhelming
evidence of Jackie's guilt is presented in front of their faces. Most JFK
assassination investigators will keep chasing JFK killers like Chief Inspector
Clouseau keeps chasing the Pink Panther. Fortunately, Mother Nature maintains
self-balancing mechanisms which will interrupt their idiotic chase by making
them catch up to corrupt reality.
Question #34:
Why is JFK assassination important?
Answer: JFK assassination is
not just a murder case. The real solution requires opening up a Can of Worms, a
metaphor for weaknesses of human psychology. Many Worms like 9/11 are too
complex for most people. However, the evidence of JFK assassination is simple
enough for most people. If people want to deal with the root of their problems
then they have to open up the Can by dealing with an easy Worm like JFK
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